Minggu, 13 Oktober 2019


How often do you dream? Could you always remember your dream? The stories, the settings, the people? Do dreams even have meanings? Or they just our fantasies?
I've never understood dreams, therefore I've never took it seriously or even bothered to remember it.
But that was before. Dream has drawn my attention to reveal the secrets since my dreams has become my reality. 

For this past few months I kept dreaming about the same person. A guy who seems to know me very well has appeared in my dreams very often. Not taken in strange setting or has strange stories, it's always the places I've known.

Some of my friends said he's a guy from my past life, some others said he might be my future life. Whoever he is, wherever he came from, I begin to enjoy his company on my dreams. He become more and more often come to my dreams, and when he missed a night, he'll come to apologies the next night. He told me about his life, what do he do for living, how silly his childhood was, how beautiful the little town he lives, his neighbors, and all. He's an engineer, an electrical engineer working on hospital at the little town, as technician. He lives in a small house with his mother, where he invited me to a dinner and introduced me to his mother. He's a nice young man who loves his mother with all his heart. Charmed me.

My dreams has become my reality, where I always waiting for him excitedly, for our little chatting, for his stories, or even for only to see his smile. Oddly enough to admit it that I love him, but I do, and I know that he loves me too. Although we never say it, we know how our feeling.
To night is the night, the happiest dream in my life. NO, the happiest moment in my life, when finally he proposes me. I have no reason to not accept his. He seems very happy and tells me that it'll happen tomorrow, the next night.

"Why so soon? I need to tell everyone, you know, my friends, family, or at least my parent" I say.
"There is no need to tell them, they won't understand. You've agree to marry me, it will be happened tomorrow, no one can stop it. Besides, my dear, after you marry me you will be apart from your parent and your friends, you won't even need your physical body anymore" he says. Then I wake up.
"What did he mean?" I wonder. This morning I decided to find him. I can still remember where he lives, I know the roads, the streets, it's familiar for me. Then I drive my car following every roads and paths on my dream. About an hour later I'm entering the little town, very familiar, just like in my dream, except that I can't find the alley where his house supposed to be. I try to ask around but no one seems to knows the alley.

"There is no alley next to this shop Miss, I own this shop for 30years and never know there was such alley, not even in this neighborhood" says an old man in a little book shop where on my dream it supposed to be in the alley's left.
I'm stuck, back sitting on my car to try to remember all my dream, when suddenly I hear his voice from out of nowhere. No, not anywhere, it's echoing inside my head.

"It will happens tonight, dear, our wedding".

---THE END---

Surabaya, 10 May 2015

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